Go Practice Green is an online, self-paced subscription programme to guide you step-by-step to a more sustainable dental practice.
Embark on a manageable green journey; every small step contributes to a greater change.
Unite for your team with sustainability; your teamwork turns green dreams into actionable reality.
Share your green commitments authentically & confidently with your patients and the public.
Earn accolades as you rise through the levels; your efforts inspire and lead the way.
You can also cancel your membership using this form.
After you join, we will send an email with full instructions. We will walk you through a series of videos and explanations of how the platform works, where to start, and how to get help.
Got a question? Not a problem! Either email it to us or jump on the twice monthly group support calls to have it answered. All calls are recorded and summarised afterwards!
The platform is designed to be super-simple to navigate. You'll see your progress, what you've completed and what remains to be done. And you can't break it!
CSR has been a powerful way to inspire our team, whose energy during our online session with Mark was incredible.
Going through the process was very positive. Mark is a great coach and has engaged the whole team and made CSR so much fun!
For the first time ever I am confident that our vision to embed CSR into everything we are and do is becoming a reality.
Go Practice Green is a product of responsibledentistry.com, a trading name of Purpose Driven Business Ltd